899 x 280 HORIZONTAL AD LEFT on Conceptships.blogspot.com

Want 5,500 views in one day? Put your custom graphic here. It can be an Ad, a portfolio piece, promote your kickstarter campaign or cause or anything else you want. All we ask is that you keep it clean. Write it off on your taxes and help support Conceptships!


$10.00 per day (24 hours)
$50.00 per week (7 days, save $20.00)

Send PAYPAL payment to igorstshirts@gmail.com

Graphic Guidlines:

Provide your AD graphic in .png format at 899 x 280 pixel resolution and send it to igorstshirts@gmail.com along with the link to your content. You may provide a second graphic for two stage mouseover effect. Your image will be displayed the next day or next available slot.